If you are currently looking for a career in InfoSec or looking to move up, there have a been a few great podcast episodes recently worth checking out.

InfoSec Daily Podcast episode 315 was a fantastic open discussion tossing around the topic of certifications vs. degrees and everything in between.  Special guests Dave Kennedy and Adrian Crenshaw hashed it out with your regular hosts and everyone in the IRC.

Also worth noting is Securabit episode 71.  Those guys have been knocking it out of the park lately with some great shows.  This one in particular is good because it features head hunter, Lee Kushner giving some excellent perspective about personal development vs. continuing education.  He also brings up career planning stating that the guys who actually bother to plan out their career paths(15%) have much more success in life than everyone else(85%) who simply fly by the seat of their pants.

Lastly, InfoSec Daily had another career day special for episode 300 where they discussed what to do when you make the WRONG career switch.  Many of us have been there.  Left something good for greener pastures and wished we could go back.  Listen here for some helpful advice about not burning bridges and what not to do.

If you are attending higher ed or digesting a pile of certs, I hope you have a plan.  I hate to see people out there WASTING money on making the schools rich and if you don’t really know where you are going, that is exactly what you are doing.