I decided to pick up my Zipit and try out Mozzwald’s Ubuntu distribution again.  I ended up manually starting up the wifi for now since rkdavis’ script isn’t working for me at the moment.  The following commands did it for me:

  • iwconfig eth0 essid your_id_here
  • iwconfig eth0 key your_hex_key_here
  • ifconfig eth0 down
  • ifconfig eth0 up
  • dhclient eth0

We’ll work on that EWoC script later…  Digging deeper into this distro, there is no GUI implemented yet.  First, let’s get a proper web browser on here:

apt-get install lynx

Now let’s grab the tweaked version of dosbox off Hunter Davis’ blog and try to compile it…

Five hours later I’m signing off here.  I’ll let you know next week when it finishes if it actually works.