Sometimes you come across a need to troubleshoot a misbehaving script or program things roll by on the screen too quickly.  The other day, I was troubleshooting a script that was blurting out an error and then continuing to open up a “dialog” screen which redraws the entire screen and clears the error.  I needed a way to send just the errors to a logfile.  If you are familiar with C programming, you’ll realize that there is STDOUT which writes to the console.  There is also STDERR which usually writes to the console but cannot be captured with a standard redirect such as:

program 1> logfile.txt

You’ll capture the STDOUT of that program but not any errors.  If you want just the errors, you’ll want to use:

program 2> logfile.txt

If you want to grab both the errors and the STDOUT, you can use:

program &> logfile.txt