Tag Archive: twitter

InfoSecDropBox rest in peace

click to enlarge

Sometime around 10am PDT on March 29th, 2011 someone in the InfoSec world had a clever idea to create a twitter account that anyone could log into and vent frusterations they had about the InfoSec industry or whatever else they wanted to.  Whoever did it remains unknown but luckily I was able to snag this screenshot from another browser after I realized it had been shut down only 4 hours after it was created.  I estimate that there were roughly 60-80 people who ultimately logged in and vented on this soundboard.  Twitter caught on as it was pretty much starting to go viral.

The bio first read:

“I am Jack’s infosec-induced rage. Password is Infosec, come log in and vent your rage anonymously. (And get yourself +1 followers)”

Then was changed to:

“I am Jack’s infosec-induced rage. Come log in and vent your rage anonymously. The password is guessable. So figure it out.”

Ultimately, this was a brilliant mashup of twitter and 4chan.  My hat goes off to whoever thought of this.

click to enlarge

Update 3/29/2011 1:59pm pst:  Someone just posted a v2 InfoSecDropBox but consequences will never be the same 🙁

Update 3/30:

The Adrians (Irongeek and Sanabria) have dug up a bit more so I will post that here as well:

Missing a few of the funniest hours…

InfoSecDropBox Mar 29, 8:07pm via web
Alright alright.. enough.

InfoSecDropBox Mar 29, 4:23pm via web
hey everyone want to know aloria real name

InfoSecDropBox Mar 29, 4:21pm via web

InfoSecDropBox Mar 29, 4:20pm via TweetDeck
pen testers are typically arrogant assholes, guess who created this, a pen tester

InfoSecDropBox Mar 29, 4:20pm via web
I use IE6 #2

InfoSecDropBox Mar 29, 4:20pm via web
@InfoSecDropBox @0ph3lia @aloria Shes on @th3j35t3r dick too much.

InfoSecDropBox Mar 29, 4:19pm via web
why wont @0ph3lia sleep with me why wont @aloria sleep with me why wont anyone sleep with me

InfoSecDropBox Mar 29, 4:18pm via web
@th3j35t3r = slowloris with a fancy GUI….Long live @real_j35t3r

InfoSecDropBox Mar 29, 4:16pm via web
is @aloria a tranny

InfoSecDropBox Mar 29, 4:15pm via web
@real_j35t3r is with ANONYMOUS!!!!

InfoSecDropBox Mar 29, 4:14pm via TweetDeck
@infosecdropbox says STFU @infosecdropbox

InfoSecDropBox Mar 29, 4:14pm via web

InfoSecDropBox Mar 29, 4:13pm via web
@th3j35t3r is a pretend hacker….long live @real_j35t3r!!!

InfoSecDropBox Mar 29, 4:13pm via web
.@real_jester is a fake long live @th3j35t3r. PS fuck Anon.

InfoSecDropBox Mar 29, 4:10pm via web
The password to this account is Infosec. It’s not a secret. I removed it from the profile to prevent bots… cool w/ everyone?

InfoSecDropBox Mar 29, 4:05pm via web
Looking for female roommates for defcon. RT pls, send pic. -Thx-L

InfoSecDropBox Mar 29, 3:58pm via web
BRING BACK TEH LULZ. Hacking was fun once.

InfoSecDropBox Mar 29, 3:58pm via web
Hey @0ph3lia do you realize that technical skills alone do not make a security professional? Stop shitting on QSAs or I will suckerpunch

InfoSecDropBox Mar 29, 3:58pm via web
My name is Gregory D. Evans.

InfoSecDropBox Mar 29, 3:52pm via web
I hacked HBGary.

InfoSecDropBox Mar 29, 3:51pm via web

InfoSecDropBox Mar 29, 3:51pm via web
If anything on this gets taken seriously you need to get a life.

Mar 29, 3:01pm via web
How long before some douche resets the password?

InfoSecDropBox Mar 29, 1:09pm via web
PW = “Infosec” come log in and vent your rage anonymously!

Here are some archived html files as captured by Irongeek.

Lastly, here is a PDF file of the reactions to InfoSecDropBox that was captured a bit after it was shut down.

Do you ever sit on twitter and wonder why your “followers” number has declined?  I have to admit being guilty of this.  I want to know which one of my “friends” no longer thinks that I’m worthy of their twitterspace.  Usually it’s not a friend in all honesty.  Generally it’s those people who follow you (and 14,000 other people) to try to get you to follow them so they can spam you with their “social marketing wizardry” or just feel like someone actually gives a crap about what they have to say.

I personally never follow back just for the sake of it.  I enjoy tuning my twitter feed to my specific interests.  My followers might be confused.  I am a real estate agent and a techie so sometimes I’m tweeting tech to my real estate followers and vice versa.  I’m interested to see who is saying, “enough is enough, this dude isn’t interesting to me anymore”.  Lately, I’ve been heavier into tech so I could understand if some of my real estate followers a bit bored with my tech tweets.

I’ve never really cared enough to seek a tool to do this but I’ve noticed lately that I’ve been pegged between 198-202 followers for months and that is starting to bug me.  Hopefully this tool will help me figure out what is going on and if I’m losing anyone important…

Try it out for yourself at www.useqwitter.com.

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