I made a short video tour of one of my favorite books from when I was a kid.  I shot it with my Canon 5D mkII and then tweaked it a bit in iMovie.  I’m trying to familiarize myself more with the video features of my camera.  I’ve only had it for 2 years now so it’s about time I figure it out. The music is a track I made nearly 10 years ago on my Korg ER-1. I always considered it somewhat unfinished but it worked fine for my video.

I’ve had this book since I was about 5 or 6.  It was made in 1985 by Sharon Gallagher.  This book was one of the few that I kept from my childhood.  It has always captured my interest even to this day.  Though the contents may be a little dated, most of the information still holds true oddly enough.  These days, this book is a bit of a collector’s item.  It’s available at Amazon and last time I was at Ada’s Technical Books in Seattle, they had a copy available.

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